Refurbished laptop
Refurbished and used - what's the difference?
The term refurbished is being used more and more, especially for technology gadgets such as laptops, mobile phones and tablets.
It's not always easy for customers looking for the best deals on the market to know the difference - especially when many technology retailers use both refurbished and second-hand as terms or pure categories. In addition, both fields can be further complicated by classifications within the categories themselves; for example, Class A goods versus Class B (in a category ladder that runs A,B and C). We Northerners are often so good at English that we understand that a term like refurbished laptop means that the item is not unused or in new condition - and therefore miss the actual meaning of refurbished, and the difference from the slightly broader used.
So what is the difference between a refurbished product and a used one? Several aspects come into play, but the most important one is that a used product is often sold in its current condition without any additional service or modifications.
Some retailers may flout this rule and give used tech gadgets some love, such as cleaning, tidying or freshening up the device for the next customer. However, major interventions (such as replacing a screen or upgrading memory) are rarely performed on second-hand goods. The general idea is that a working item in used condition is resold as is, provided the seller is honest and open about the quality of the item.
In contrast to used goods, products that are labelled refurbished are cared for by the seller in a different way.
A refurbished laptop has been inspected, often by a trained technician or in a specialised workshop. It is also thoroughly function-tested before it goes on sale. Parts are often replaced with new components for the model of refurbished laptop in question, so that the model is as close to (or better than) the original as possible.
Servicing technology with the aim of bringing it back to life is usually cheap for both the seller and the customer, as no one has had to buy out the whole machine for the original price. The seller invests in new, usually smaller components, and gets an item that can be reused. The product's life has been extended, quite simply.
A comparison might be to buy a used car versus one that is refurbished. You buy the used car as it is - perhaps unmarked with a broken bulb and slightly worn seats. The refurbished car has been sent to a workshop by the seller before you buy it - the car has been inspected, and minor faults have been corrected. If you're lucky, even the seats have been fixed.
Before we go any further, let's summarise - a used computer is sold as is, but a refurbished laptop is serviced, tested and in such good condition that, especially in the top grades (remember the staircase with Class A, B and C), you won't be able to tell the difference between a new and a refurbished computer. What's more, the machines come with a warranty of at least 1 year - but often 2 years, if you buy them from us!
Advantages of refurbished laptop
Once we understand the difference between a refurbished laptop and a used one, we see some clear benefits of refurbishment. A product that is refurbished has been given new life, which means a longer lifespan, and the components of the laptop play better with each other.
The parts of a computer perform different tasks and deteriorate in different ways over the years - which can lead to a situation where, for example, the processor is still in good shape, but the memory is no longer up to scratch and can't handle modern applications or games. By having the dealer's technician replace the memory with a new one, the processor and memory suddenly work together again, without bottlenecks or lag.
But the benefits of a refurbished laptop aren't just that you get a fresher used computer at a good price. By participating in the reusable trend, you're actually helping the environment at the same time. Reusing more laptops reduces the production pressure on new digital devices, which both consumes resources and contributes to factory emissions. Even if you invest in quality brands where environmental impact is a priority, the maths becomes easy to understand - a computer that is not scrapped but used for longer has less carbon impact than one that is thrown away and replaced with a new one. The popular wave of refurbished tech gadgets has proven to be a major carbon saver. At the same time, the global shortage of circuit boards and precious metals is a major concern for the environment, so allowing existing chips to live on is something that helps everyone in the market.
Last but not least, refurbished laptop is an affordable deal. Buying a refurbished laptop will cost less than going and buying a new one from a retailer, because it has already been introduced to the market. You, the buyer, therefore get the benefit of the reduction in value that the laptop has undergone, even though with servicing it can now often be virtually equivalent to a new one in terms of condition and performance. After all, if we use the car buying comparison again, a used car that has received a lot of love from a professional garage, thorough cleaning and general refurbishment can be darn close to a new car of the same model. Laptops in particular often have a hefty price tag when it comes to modern devices, so lowering the cost is probably the smartest thing you can do when purchasing technology - while leaving you with money left over for accessories and other investments.
What should you consider when shopping for a refurbished laptop?
The most important thing is to be realistic. A refurbished laptop is a great investment, but it's still a used device you're taking into reuse. Cheap Technology has professional staff who do their utmost to make our refurbished devices feel, look and work like new. We have tons of satisfied customers and years of experience selling both used and refurbished devices. We also help you with all kinds of warranty issues with the manufacturer, and do everything we can to make sure that you, the customer, are happy that you jumped on the refurbishment bandwagon. An important aspect is also to look at your needs when shopping for refurbished technology - there is everything from older Windows PCs to Apple Macbooks to choose from. Again, the platforms differ slightly - Windows is a more open platform that usually costs a little less, but Apple's mac computers have a long lifespan and may be a smarter purchase if you're looking to buy refurbished laptops, as the hardware is known to age well. If you have any questions or concerns about buying a refurbished laptop, we will of course help you - contact us for advice and tips!
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